主讲人:Hugo Palmarola, Escuela de Diseño, Universidad Católica, Chile.
时间🍼:5月6日上午 10:15-11:00
A large-concrete panel was one of the first panels to come from the KPD plant―a factory that produced prefabricated housing donated by the Soviet Union to Salvador Allende’s Chilean government in 1972. The panel has been the subject of several political and ideological controversies, especially after Allende himself inscribed his signature into its wet cement―a gesture that was later rendered over during Augusto Pinochet’s military dictatorship heralding a period that saw the panel transformed into a Catholic icon by adding two colonial style lanterns beside a Madonna and Child. Today, the panel seems free of both presidential signatures and Virgins. Their traits are still there, however, engraved on its patinated surface. This monolith is now presented as a ruin of modernity, both architectural and political, surrounded by the technical, typological and conceptual reconstruction of twenty-eight large concrete panel systems developed worldwide between 1931 and 1981. The story of this panel tells us about the one figure that came to replace the individual architect, the anonymous worker. Within the historiographies of modern architecture, such a building tradition represents a relatively marginal position, despite the fact that more than 170 million concrete panel apartments were built during the second half of the twentieth century.